Hand-Painted Chalkboard Tags, Etc.

I happened across some lovely, hand-painted tags on Pinterest the other day and thought: “I could do that!” (Do you ever say that while browsing Pinterest?) Well, it turned out that I really could do that—and you can, too!
Just cut out some 3" x 6" tags from Basic Black Cardstock, get out your Blender Pen—which for me worked better than a paint brush—and paint some simple flower shapes using acrylic paint.
The roses were so easy. Just paint a white circle—and apply the paint thickly. Swirl in a little bright orange, bright red, and some rosy pink. Add a tiny dab of golden yellow. Let the paint dry for a few minutes, then add a few more bright accents . . . and you’re done!
The leaves were just as easy. Paint a curved line in lime green. Paint some ovals for leaves. Add a little white and golden yellow. Done. Add a few turquoise dots, and you have a lovely tag.

I made a few fabric necklaces to put inside my gift box. These were super-easy, too. Use a strip of 5" x 44" for short necklaces and 5" x 50" for long. Finish the ends of the fabric strips with a small hem. Fold the fabric in half, wrong sides together, and sew using a 3/4" seam. You now have a fabric tube. Turn the tube right-side out. Fold the fabric tube in half to find the center, and drop a wooden bead inside. Tie knots on either side of each bead. I used three large, six medium, and six small beads.

Here is another view of the fabric necklace – which can also be used as a teething necklace!

And here is another view of the Extra-Large Gift Box. Notice the fun bow made using Basic Black Cardstock, the Big Shot, and our brand new Gift Bow Bigz L Die from the holiday catalog!